Synonyme For Oeduel

Ödül Eş Anlamlısı

Synonyme for Ödül

What is Ödül?

Ödül is a Turkish word that means "reward" or "prize". It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as to reward someone for good behavior or to give a prize to the winner of a contest.

Synonyms for Ödül

There are many different synonyms for ödül in Turkish, including:

  • Mükafat
  • Armağan
  • Hediye
  • Bahşiş
  • Takiye


Mükafat is the most common synonym for ödül. It is used to refer to a reward that is given for good behavior or achievement.


Armağan is another common synonym for ödül. It is used to refer to a gift that is given to someone as a token of appreciation or affection.


Hediye is a general term for a gift that is given to someone. It can be used to refer to both rewards and gifts that are given as tokens of appreciation or affection.


Bahşiş is a small tip or gratuity that is given to someone for a service. It is typically given to service workers, such as waiters, taxi drivers, and hotel staff.


Takiye is a religious term that refers to the practice of concealing one's true beliefs in order to avoid persecution. It is sometimes used in a figurative sense to refer to a reward that is given to someone for keeping a secret.


Ödül is a Turkish word that has a variety of meanings, including "reward", "prize", and "gift". There are many different synonyms for ödül, each with its own unique meaning and usage.

Synonyme For Oeduel Synonyme For Oeduel Reviewed by Eduardo Reese on Oktober 08, 2024 Rating: 5

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