Cyber Attack Today

Cyberattacks Surge, Targeting Companies and Agencies

Live Threat Map Reveals Global Extent of Attacks

A surge in cyberattacks has hit multiple companies and government agencies worldwide, as reported by the WEB Radwares Live Threat Map. The map, which provides real-time information based on a global deception network and cloud systems, detected 7,668,818 attacks on a single day. The attacks targeted various countries, including Sweden, Portugal, California, Missouri, New York, and Germany.

Widespread Impact

The attacks have had a significant impact, with agencies being hacked and hospitals facing disruptions. One hospital reported that the ransomware attack resulted in the diversion of organs, suspension of blood tests, and the cancellation of 800 operations. The breach of government agencies raises concerns about the security of sensitive data and potential compromise of essential services.

Cyber Attack Today Cyber Attack Today Reviewed by Eduardo Reese on Juli 20, 2024 Rating: 5

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