After Effects Preview Slow

Why Even a High-Powered Computer Can Slow Down in After Effects

Slow Previews: A Frustrating Issue

Even with a powerful computer boasting a hefty amount of RAM (8GB or even 64GB), After Effects users may encounter frustratingly slow previews. This issue is not limited to specific hardware configurations and can affect even high-end machines.

Tips to Speed Up Previews

To alleviate this performance issue, here are a few tips that have proven effective for many users:

  • Deactivate motion blur, depth of field, or 3D effects if they are not essential to the project.

By implementing these recommendations, users can potentially improve preview performance and alleviate the slowdowns that can hinder their workflow.

After Effects Preview Slow After Effects Preview Slow Reviewed by Eduardo Reese on Mei 14, 2024 Rating: 5

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